Kew Garden 二房一厅出租$2150/月


Kew  Garden 70Rd/136St.Kew 一楼两房一厅, 犹太好学区,花园式公寓出租, Eat in 大厨房,

房子状况良好,南北通透舒服,门口有公共交通Bus64。近F. E Train月租/$2150,电和瓦斯自付。

求正职一家庭。有需要请私聊Judy 917-559-6028

2 Bedrooms for  Rent

Kew  Garden 70Rd/136 St. 2 Bedrooms for  Rent, Eat in kitchen, Near bus Q64  , and E,  F Train 。

$2150/monthly rental, Electricity  and  not include.  Need Credit and income check. 

Please text to Judy at 917-559-6028 ,  if  you are interested in it .

gstar006 发布于 2020-03-07T17:02:51Z

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